Visual Analytics | Data Porn

Just an attempt to have a main index for some cool analytics I've built over the past few months or so. I'll try to keep it updated.

Metallica Tour Visualizations

Lots of them. Lots. Even if you aren't a fan - it makes an interesting BI Dashboard POC.

Bigfoot Sightings in the US

Beware. The Squatch is among us. Cool example of web "data mining" and re-displaying in a radically different format.

WineLibrary / TV / GaryVee Reviews

Fun viz of's inventory mashed with WineLibraryTV's entire internet catalog.

Bigfoot vs UFO sightings!

That's right, I went there - both sources from reputable sources (at least they think so).

More DATA PORN - @garyvee's Twitter stats

A Tableau Data Visualization of @garyvee's Twitter interactivity. For my money, the King of *authentic* Twitter interactions.

Insight into an Artist's Spotify Payout Details

Zoe Keating's Data - Insight into an Artist's Spotify Payout Details.