Insight into an Artist’s Spotify Payout Details..
Earlier today (between my Burger grilling and Jameson extravaganza; ongoing) I saw a tweet by @gah650 (George Howard), who had re-tweeted Zoe Keating's (@zoecello) post; quoting:
My Spotify data for the purposes of research and edification >
I'm a big Bob Lefsetz fan so I took this data to heart and wanted to display it in a matter that lots of people could understand and digest. I completely agree with with what Zoe is going for with releasing this data, and wish more artists would do the same - it might break down some mental barriers (or build them, who knows).
Regardless, this is good stuff - and I hope Zoe Keating, doesn't mind my re-purposing of it (amazing stuff by the way, Zoe). Cheers.
Now I don't know what the "Unit Price" exactly refers to, but its radically different from the payout price. Any Spotify / enlightened peeps feel free to let me know and I'll update it.
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