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Visualizing Bigfoot of the United States
A fun little Viz I did about Bigfoot sightings.
Basically, I harvested all the sighting info off of The Bigfoot Field Research Organization site with Python and the Scrapemark module – inserted it into a local SQL Server database – cleaned it up and threw up a pretty looking Viz using Tableau Public.
Visualizing Squatch of the Nation!
I’m pretty happy with it – its quite interactive and hopefully someone finds it fun or interesting.
Some Tableau Public Embed Code Hacking for more “Creative Blog Usage”
As I’ve been very vocal about all over Twitter and elsewhere – I’ve been spending a lot of time playing with Tableau Public over the past few weeks. Lots of learning, experimentation, tweaking, and some full blown data / analysis presentations have occurred. During that time I learned a lot about the way the product works and continue to try and “jazz” up my Tableau “vizes” in any way I can. Here are a couple of trick that you might find as useful as I did.