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5 August 2010 0 Comments

Fuck, sales, leads, & sign-ups. You know what has the BEST conversion rate ever?

Smile at people. Oh, that’s right – I just dropped a feel-good knowledge bomb on you of EPIC proportions. I guarantee that if you look people in the eyes and smile at them – regardless if its a cashier, toll booth worker, random ass-pony on the street, cute girls (or dudes) at a bar, or […]

4 August 2010 0 Comments

What Sookie Stackhouse can teach you about being a better blogger

TrueBlood. Killer show. Let’s face it. It really is a weird-ass perfect storm of timing, promotion, and just straight up quality storytelling. Don’t even dare to compare it with those Justin-Beiber-esque-Saved-by-the-Bell-type-Vampire-Twilight-Movies that are currently sweeping the minds and loins of young teens these days. They are an inferior product – vamprires (fictional or not) do […]

13 July 2009 1 Comment

The UFC needs a Michael Jordan, not a Michael Vick

You stay classy, Brock Lesnar! Before you think I’m just writing a rant (which it is), take a minute to think about how this relates in the marketing world. Its somewhere between an industrial accident and a PR stunt, depending on where the truth lies and who you believe. Either way, its creating a new […]